18 WooCommerce SEO Plugins To Rank eCommerce Sites Higher In Google (2025)

Woocommerce seo plugins

Looking for a solid list of WooCommerce SEO plugins?

Look no further, this list was created specifically with WooCommerce in mind. It includes rich snippet plugins for product schema, user-generated reviews, and speed plugins to make WooCommerce load faster by optimizing WooCommerce scripts, styles, and cart fragments.

I also have tutorials on WooCommerce speed optimization and WordPress speed plugins which you may find useful. If you need ranking your WooCommerce site higher using these tools, you can hire our team or feel free to leave a comment and I’ll help you in anyway I can.


1. Asset CleanUp

Asset CleanUp lets you selectively disable WooCommerce scripts, styles, cart fragments, and plugins where they don’t need to be loaded. For example, cart fragments don’t need to load on your blog articles. Asset CleanUp can also be used beyond WooCommerce to eliminate unnecessary requests and make your entire site load faster. After all, speed is a ranking factor.

Cart fragments alone can take multiple seconds to load:

Woocommerce cart fragments

Step 1: Install Asset CleanUp.

Step 2: Edit a page or post, then scroll down to the Asset CleanUp section. Disable all unused plugins, scripts, and styles that aren’t used on that page. You can disable (unload) them on a single page, across the full site, by post type, or the pro version supports regular expressions.

Asset cleanup woocommerce

Step 3: Configure the Asset CleanUp settings which has other speed optimizations as well:

  • Configure a CDN
  • Disable XML-RPC
  • Optimize Google Fonts
  • General stripping of the “fat”
  • Optimize HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Asset cleanup settings

Examples Of How To Selectively Disable Plugins

  • Disable WooCommerce features on non-eCommerce pages
  • Disable slider plugin on content without sliders
  • Disable rich snippets plugin on content without rich snippets
  • Disable contact form plugin on content without a contact form
  • Disable AdSense or affiliate links where they aren’t being shown
  • Disable social sharing plugin on all pages (since it’s usually for blog posts)
  • Disable WooCommerce scripts, styles, cart fragments on non-eCommerce pages


2. Perfmatters

Perfmatters was developed by Kinsta and is similar to Asset CleanUp only it lets you disable WooCommerce scripts, styles, and cart fragments with 1 click. It also comes with other speed features like limiting post revisions, autosaves, heartbeat control, lazy loading, disabling XML-RPC, CDN integration, and hosting Google Analytics locally. I use Perfmatters on my own site and recommend it for anyone looking for a plugin to do all those miscellaneous optimizations.

Perfmatters woocommerce optimization


3. Yoast SEO

Most people have Yoast’s main SEO plugin, but few set it up for properly WooCommerce.

Yoast wordpress seo plugin settings

Content Types
All posts, pages, and product pages should be shown in search results with the Yoast SEO Meta Box enabled. You usually only want to show date in snippet preview for posts since these can be time-sensitive content. Showing dates can increase CTRs especially if they’re kept updated.

Product categories should be indexed while tags and shipping classes should be noindexed. That’s because product category pages are useful and often some of most powerful pages on WooCommerce sites, while tags and shipping classes are not helpful and are usually populated with thin content that can cause duplicate content issues, which you can check for in Siteliner.

  • Categories: index if you designed your blog’s category pages for a keyword and to look nice, and there are a decent amount of posts under each category.
  • Tags: noindex unless you have tons of blog posts and they help with navigating posts (categories are usually fine), otherwise tags can cause duplicate content.
  • Formats: noindex (formats are these things usually shouldn’t be indexed).
  • Product Categories: index (usually some of your most powerful pages).
  • Product Tags: noindex unless you have tons of products (just like you would do with tags for your blog posts), otherwise they usually cause duplicate content.
  • Product Shipping Classes: noindex (you usually wouldn’t want to index pages associated with each shipping class).

You have 2 options here: customize WooCommerce breadcrumbs, or if you’re using a WooTheme, you can also replace WooTheme breadcrumbs with Yoast breadcrumbs. If you change to the Yoast breadcrumbs, follow Yoast’s breadcrumbs tutorial to customize them.

For all other Yoast settings and how to do keyword research + on-page SEO, see my full guide.


4. Auto Image Alt Attributes

You probably already know to add alternative text to images.

But since WordPress doesn’t do it automatically (anymore), this plugin will do it for you. It simply adds alt text based on the image’s file name. So as long as you remember to label the file name before uploading, you don’t have to worry about manually filling out image alt text again.

Auto image alt attribute plugin


5. Schema Pro

Schema is a big part of WooCommerce SEO.

You can markup product pages to include product schema, FAQs, and user reviews. You can also use review schema if you’re writing blog post reviews. It just depends on what content you have on your WooCommerce site, but if you can add schema to it, you probably should. Just for product schema, you can show pricing, availability, and other product info directly in search results. It’s a great way to show quick product details before users even click your link.

Product schema in google

Schema Pro supports these rich snippet types:

Schema pro types

I have used many rich snippet plugins including All In One Schema Rich Snippets, WP Rich Snippets (abandoned), and WP Review by MyThemeShop. Schema Pro is a bit more pricey, but it’s reliable (developed by Brainforce) and makes it so easy to add rich snippets to WordPress. The WooCommerce Products Review Pro is also great if you just want to add product schema.


6. Customer Reviews For WooCommerce

Adding user reviews to WooCommerce product pages is kind of mandatory.

Amazon, Walmart, Macys, and nearly every eCommerce sites allows user reviews. First off, it’s basically free content and helps you keep that 1,500+ word count quota. But they also appear in search results which is probably the most valuable type of rich snippets for WooCommerce.

Customer reviews for woocommerce


7. WP Rocket

Why is WP Rocket usually the #1 cache plugin in most Facebook polls?

Here’s why:

WP Rocket comes with many features most cache plugins don’t: database cleanup, lazy loading images + videos, local fonts + analytics, prefetching, CDN integration. To get these features with other cache plugins, you would need to install 6-7 extra plugins when WP Rocket has them all built-in. That means less plugins and more speed optimizations. This is why WP Rocket almost always yields the best scores + load times in speed testing tools like GTmetrix.


Facebook polls where WP Rocket was rated #1:

2016 best cache plugin poll

2019 cache plugin poll

Swift vs wp rocket

2016 cache plugin poll

Best cache plugins 2018 poll

Wp rocket vs w3 totla cache

WP Rocket comes with features most other cache plugins don’t (faster speed + less plugins):

  • Database Cleanup: built-in to WP Rocket, or use WP-Optimize.
  • Lazy Loading: built-in to WP Rocket, or use WP YouTube Lyte.
  • Heartbeat Control: built-in to WP Rocket, or use Heartbeat Control.
  • Local Google Analytics: built-in to WP Rocket, or use CAOS Analytics.
  • Local Google Fonts: built-in to WP Rocket, or use either OMGF or SHGF.
  • Prefetch DNS Requests: built-in to WP Rocket, or use Pre* Party Resource Hints.
  • Facebook Pixel Browser Caching: built-in to WP Rocket (no other plugin does this).
  • CDNs: built-in to WP Rocket (both Cloudflare + multiple CDNs), or use CDN Enabler.

Of course WP Rocket also does a great job with minifying and combining files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), preloading, deferring parsing of JavaScript, caching, and mobile caching. There’s a reason everyone recommends WP Rocket in Facebook Groups over the other cache plugins.


8. Yoast WooCommerce SEO

Let’s see what Yoast’s WooCommerce SEO plugin actually does:

  • Adds product schema
  • Customize breadcrumbs
  • Add rich pins (which can be done here)
  • Cleaner sitemap by noindexing filter pages

But will you need more schema types than just product rich snippets (and will you need another plugin for that)? Are you using Pinterest for marketing WooCommerce products? Is Google Search Console showing sitemap errors for your filter pages? I’m not a big fan of Yoast’s Premium SEO plugin, but their WooCommerce SEO plugin may be helpful for some.

A glimpse of the settings:

Yoast woocommerce settings


9. Rank Math

Rank Math has been getting quite popular in Facebook Groups.

It basically incorporates everything in Yoast SEO Premium, but it’s free. It even has extra features like schema (rich snippets), tracking keyword rankings, LSI keyword suggestions, and 404 monitoring. The setup wizard lets you easily transfer your Yoast SEO data into Rank Math.

Best seo plugins facebook poll

Rank math import seo settings


10. Google Site Kit

Google Site Kit integrates Analytics, Search Console, Tag Manager, AdSense, and Optimize. There are bad reviews about it not setting up properly and critical errors, so I would probably avoid the plugin entirely and add the tools you need manually (you don’t need a plugin for this).

Site kit by google plugin


11. Really Simple SSL

Really Simple SSL makes it easy to setup SSL on your WooCommrce, but chances are most of you already have it. Just make sure you changed all your links (eg. using Better Search Replace), setup redirects, and force HTTPS is Cloudflare’s settings if you’re using their CDN.

Really simple ssl plugin


12. Elementor

Yep, Elementor.

How you design your page templates is one the biggest factors in WooCommerce SEO.

Take a look at some best selling products on Amazon. They usually have 2-3 different product descriptions, FAQs, multiples images and a video, manufacturer #, additional product info (ingredients, warnings, disclaimers, directions, dimensions), and more. The concept “length is strength” still applies for WooCommerce products with 1,500+ words of unique content. Your page templates need to be setup for good on-page SEO and include comprehensive content.

Design Elements To Consider

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Images + Videos
  • FAQs
  • Related Products
  • Directions
  • Ingredients
  • Warnings + Disclaimers
  • Dimensions
  • Manufacturer #
  • Shipping Information
  • ISBN
  • Schema (Products + Reviews)


13. ShortPixel

ShortPixel losslessly compresses product images (and all images) on your WooCommerce site.

This will fix the “optimize images” items in GTmetrix. Imagify and Smush are good too, but ShortPixel has worked out best for me. They have a tester to let you see the difference in quality between lossless and lossy, and you can also remove EXIF data among other features.

Shortpixel image optimizer plugin


14. Redirection

Redirection is a free redirect plugin if you ever change URLs.

For example, if you’re changing your permalink structure from /product-category/ to /shop/ you need to setup 301 redirects for all your product pages to reflect the new category change.

Redirection plugin


15. Structured Content

Have you ever seen those FAQ rich snippets in Google?

That’s what the Structured Content plugin does. It lets you add FAQs to pages (or posts) and automatically marks them up so they appear in your snippet. The cool thing is, once you add them to your post and submit the URL to Google’s URL Inspection Tool, it only takes a couple minutes for Google to update and show your FAQs in search results. It’s pretty much instant.

How it looks in Google:

Faq rich snippets

How it looks on your page:

🔌 How do I configure Yoast for WooCommerce?

Configuring the settings, researching keywords, and optimizing content are the 3 main steps to Yoast. Make sure all unimportant pages are noindexed in Yoast's settings (eg. shipping classes) and enable post modified dates for blog posts. Next, research keywords and optimize pages that you actually want to rank high.

🔌 Which plugins help speed up WooCommerce?

WP Rocket, Perfmatters, ShortPixel, and OMGF (for optimizing fonts) are 4 great speed plugins to use for WooCommerce. WP Rocket should take care of most optimizations, while Perfmatters lets you optimize WooCommerce scripts, styles, and cart fragments.

🔌 How can I find which plugins are slowest?

Look in your GTmetrix Waterfall tab to see which plugins take longest to load, or use the Query Monitor plugin to find your slowest plugins.

🔌 How do I get those FAQs in search results?

I use the Structured Content plugin which is the same one used by Neil Patel. It's great!

🔌 What on-page SEO factors are there besides Yoast's green lights?

Yoast green lights barely matter. Researching a keyword's competition and good on-page SEO are most important. Try adding FAQ rich snippets, crafting your SEO titles + meta descriptions, and adding an HTML table of contents to long blog posts. Otherwise, Yoast is really only good for detecting keyword usage.


16. Republish Old Posts

Republish old posts is a cheap way to update all your post’s publish dates in search results.

Publish date

It automatically refreshes all publish dates to current day, which in theory, will increase click-through rates since all your content looks fresh. The problem is, you’re not actually updating the content on your posts, so even though it says it was updated recently, it really wasn’t. It’s pretty deceitful and I would personally opt to make sure you actually keep your posts updated.

Step 1: Add “date to snippet preview” for posts.


Step 2: Add “post modified date” to the top of your entire blog. I’m using Genesis, so this would be in the Genesis Simple Edits plugin settings. Otherwise, try the Post Updated Date plugin.


Entry post modified date

Step 3: Don’t let your post modified dates get outdated, otherwise your content will look old and search results and it can actually hurt your click-through rates. Either go back and update the post (clicking the update button refreshes the date), or use the Republish Old Posts plugin.

Republish old posts ‹ elevating wp — wordpress


17. Easy Table Of Contents

Why is a table of contents plugin in this list of WooCommerce SEO plugins?

Because Google says:

Ensure that long, multi-topic pages on your site are well-structured and broken into distinct logical sections. Second, ensure that each section has an associated anchor with a descriptive name (i.e., not just “Section 2.1”), and that your page includes a table of contents which links to individual anchors.

This usually applies long blog posts.

However, I recommend creating your TOC in HTML + CSS instead of using a plugin, since this creates HTML links and lets users jump to specific sections on the post, as well as link to them.

Some people fuss over Yoast green lights during on-page SEO, but a TOC is my main weapon since it organizes the post while encouraging you to plan ahead and create in-depth articles.

If length is strength in SEO, shouldn’t it be organized too?

HTML Table Of Contents Template:


It’s still the best way to fix broken links on WooCommerce sites.

Just make sure to delete the plugin immediately when you’re done since the ongoing scans are very resource-intensive and put stress on your server, slowing down your WooCommerce site.

Dr. Link Check is a good alternative, but it’s not an actual plugin and doesn’t let you fix broken links directly in your WordPress dashboard. I personally install Broken Link Checker once every few months, fix all my broken links immediately, then delete the plugin once I’m finished.

Broken link checker


Did I Miss Any WooCommerce SEO Plugins?

Drop me a comment and let me know if I missed any, or if you have any questions. Otherwise I hope you found this list helpful and please subscribe to the newsletter for more helpful guides!


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